Nothing like consistency…

No wonder nothing is ever behind schedule or over budget and why people get confused. With various building projects in the past, one has often thought,  ‘I’m sure it was….’

The provincial delegate for Tourism, Commerce and Sport, Antonio Souvirón, has been visiting Plaza Cavana in Nerja, taking a look at the completed renovations. The press release for August 23th states:

El proyecto de remodelación de la Plaza Cavana ha tenido un presupuesto de 346.000 euros y un plazo de ejecución de 8 meses

So, it had a budget of €346,000 and a completion period of 8 months. Well, it does now, but on October 28th 2009 it had a completion period of 6 months or even shorter.

El plazo de ejecución es de seis meses aunque el concejal ha manifestado que, según la información facilitada por la empresa, este periodo se podría rebajar.

Then again, back at the start, both the budget and completion period were different again.

October 2nd 2009

El presupuesto de esta obra asciende a la cantidad de 310.000 euros y el plazo de ejecución es de cuatro meses y medio.

One can only assume, of course, that the Council, sticklers for minute detail when it comes to projects by other agencies, properly debated and approved the various changes….There do not appear to have been any notifications of changes to either the budget or the completion period in the intervening months.

Basically then, the initial pre-determined budget is what it ends up costing and the projected completion period is however long it takes.

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