Plan Proteja projects in Torremolinos

A number of projects are being planned in Torremolinos using funds from the Plan Proteja, a scheme from the Junta de Andalucia to create employment.

A total of €480,982 will be used in the first phase of the renovation of the Casa de los Navajas which, when completed, will become a sort of museum.

There is a budget of €220,559 for the landscaping and beautification of a stretch of avenida Palma de Mallorca from calle Carmen Montes to the junction with calle Casablanca. The completion period has been set at two months.

New landscaped central reservations are also planned for avenida Manuel Fraga from the junction with avenida de la Riviera (Los Álamos) and the edge of the municipality. The cost here is budgeted at €219,705 and the completion period is two months.

Also getting new landscaped central areas is avenida Carlota Alessandri from the roundabout to the border with Benalmadena. The cost of this project is €76,874 and the completion period is one month.

There is also €248,393 for the pedestrianisation of the Olivarillo area between calle de la Cruz and calle Hoyo.

Street lighting in calle Casablanca, from avenidaPalma de Mallorca to Danza Invisible, is to be renewed at a cost of €64.336 and with a completion period of six weeks.

Also planned is a new advisory service for immigrants, and a hairdressing and podiatry service for the elderly with mobility problems so they can be tended at their homes.

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