Demand for dismissal of Ángel Ramírez as manager of the Nerja Caves

PP Councillors who are members of the Nerja Caves Foundation are asking the president of the Foundation, Hilario López Luna, to call an extraordinary plenary session for the sole purpose of demanding the resignation of the manager of the Nerja Caves, Ángel Ramírez.

The long running battle between the Nerja Council (PP) and the Nerja Caves Foundation (PSOE) hotted up last Friday when a Councillor and the mayor of Maro were apparently refused entry to the caves for a function they were supposed to be attending.

The feud dates back to when PSOE opposition leader Ángel Ramírez became the manager of the Nerja Caves and subsequently stopped payment of 10% of Caves revenues to the Council.

This has resulted in delays to various projects in the municipality, including the Nerja History Museum and the bridge from the Caves to Maro, and has led to a number of tit for tat retaliatory gestures as the bitter ‘Battle for the Caves’ continues unabated.

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