Simultaneous symphony orchestra concerts in twenty cities

Today, Monday September 23rd, sees the first simultaneous concert given by 23 of the 26 symphony orchestras in Spain in a protest against cutbacks and the increase in VAT on cultural events.

The free concerts were called by the Association of Professional Musicians of Symphony Orchestras (Ampos) and 23 of the 26 orchestras will be participating, the remaining three unable to join in due to scheduling commitments.

The concerts are at 19:00 and the repertoire will be identical in each location. The concerts are free and will be taking place in: Badajoz (Plaza de la Soledad),  Barcelona (Plaza de la Catedral), Bilbao (Atrio de columnas de la  Alhóndiga), San Sebastián (Plaza Zuloaga), Granada (Plaza Nueva),  Madrid (Plaza Isabel II), Málaga (Plaza de la Constitución), Murcia  (Plaza del Teatro Romea), Oviedo (Plaza de la Gesta), Las Palmas de  Gran Canaria (Plaza de los Músicos), Palma de Mallorca (Plaza de  España), Pamplona (Plaza Consistorial), Sevilla (Plaza Nueva),  Tenerife (Plaza del Chicharro), Valencia (Plaza de la Virgen) and  Valladolid (Plaza Mayor).

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