Musical interlude…

It was a great day after yesterday’s brief storm and the South Americans were out on the Balcón de Europa providing the entertainment. A complete song here.

Quick look around…

Still a fair amount of people around town enjoying the lovely weather.

Mog Day Morning….

Early morning (all things are relative!) trip to the Balcón the other day and all the local moggies were sprawled out catching a few rays.

Sunday wander…

Kronox on the Balcón de Europa got their painting and renovating done pretty sharply, back in full swing again now. A bit cooler today but still pretty good as the forecast said rain. Quite a lot of people on the Balcón de Europa today and a big wedding at the Iglesia El Salvador. Quite a few wandering down by the …


Renovation time at Kronox cafe on the Balcón de Europa, getting everything spruced up for Easter. Quite a few people pottering about on the Balcón today and the cafe Albi terrace was almost full. Not really hot enough for the beach I suppose, although nice and calm for swimming.

Last minute changes to planned infrastructure projects

The Council has made a very last minute change to the way it is intending to spend part of the €3.6 million received under the Plan Estatal de Inversión Local, or ‘Plan Zapatero’ as it is widely known. The money from the Plan Zapatero is be to given to local authorities for infrastructure projects. In December, the Council submitted a …

New Year’s Eve on the Balcón de Europa

The festivities on the Balcón de Europa will begin at 23:00 with the group Alalba. At midnight, the bells of the Iglesia El Salvador will chime (hopefully only twelve times this time!) for the traditional munching of the twelve grapes and sipping (!) of the Cava. There will then be a grand firework display followed by more music from the …