Population is decreasing

For the first time in decades, the population of Nerja is actually decreasing according to the latest census figures. At the end of January 2008, the population was 22,164, which is 12 less than the previous month and 146 less than it was three months ago.

End of year census

The local census for the end of 2008 shows that Nerja has a resident population of 22,176, with 6,672 being foreigners. The largest foreign group continues to be the British, 2,707, followed by Argentinian, 583, German, 548, and the Swedish with 399. There are five foreign residents over the age of 95 years, one man and four women.

Nerja census figures

According to the latest census figures, Nerja now has a resident population of 22,310, of which 6,688 (30%) are foreigners.

European Parliamentary elections June 2009

The European Parliamentary elections are still a way off, June 2009, but the Council is already sending out letters to all those registered on the ‘padrón’, or municipal census. EU citizens resident in Spain have the right to vote in the elections, all you need to do is be registered on the census and return the letter declaring your intention …

Latest census figures for Nerja

The latest census figures for Nerja, as at August 31st, show that the population is still on the increase.

Latest Nerja census

The latest census figures for Nerja show that the registered population is now 22, 014, of which 6,525 (29.64%) are foreigners.