Nerja Fire Station – options for the Council

The Provincial Deputy for Intercity Affairs, Cristóbal Guerrero, has confirmed that the land offered by Nerja Council for the new Fire Station is currently classified as ‘rural’ under the PGOU and needs to be changed to ‘urban’ before the project can even begin.

Guerrero stated that there are two options available to the Nerja Council. The first is to submit an amendment under the Special Plan for the area accompanied by a declaration of ”social interest emergency’. This route has been followed by other municipalities, such as Colmenar, with regard to the building of fire stations and results in a delay of two or three months before the project can begin.

The second option open to the Council is to wait for final approval of the new PGOU. This would lead to a much longer delay as the new PGOU has not yet even received initial approval, let alone final approval.

The Council is being urged to adopt the first option so that the bidding, awarding of contracts and even construction work on the €1 million project could actually take place at some time during the coming year.

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