Out and About August 10th 2014…

I must say, there seems to be far fewer purveyors of sunglasses and other assorted items in the past few days, so maybe the clampdown really is going to continue this time.

Out and About July 30th 2014…

There were a couple of musicians on the Balcón de Europa last night. Well, three. A duo and a solo guitarist.

Balcón by night, July 20th 2014…

Plenty of artists and one lone classical guitarist on the Balcón de Europa on Sunday night, the guitarist having to compete with a baritone and a full choir on the stage.

Out and About July 13th 2014…

The odd banks of sea mist throughout the day but it was nevertheless quite warm. Beautifully flat calm sea and crystal clear water.

Out and About July 8th 2014…

Eight o’clock in the morning and it was like jogger city out there, people presumably trying to get their run in before the heat begins. You still do get the odd jogger in the real heat of the day, though.

Out and About July 6th 2014…

Today started off with a light wind, then it calmed down before become very strong and blustery. The red flags were fluttering on the beaches for most of the day, even though at times the sea was relatively calm.

Out and About June 19th 2014…

The cleaning boat is now a regular sight along the coast, the vessel provided by the Axarquia District organisation. Doesn’t look weighed down, so must be a good sign.

Out and About June 17th 2014…

Another warm one and plenty of people on the beaches and in the water, Calahonda beach was quite full at one stage.

Early doors June 8th 2014…

Crack of dawn, just after silly o’clock on a Sunday morning, and quite a few people about. Joggers, dog walkers, fishermen and others.

Out and About June 1st 2014…

Clear skies just before the thunderstorm and quite a few people out and about early doors, particularly walkers and joggers down by the rio Chillar.