Policing the feria

A total of six Local Police patrols, plus a commanding officer, will be on duty at all times during the feria and the general Guardia Civil presence will also be strengthened.

Tickets for Senior events at the feria

Tickets for the events for Seniors at the feria  on October 9th- lunch, election of Senior Carnival Queen etc – will be distributed on October 5th and 6th from 08:00. There are 700 tickets available, free of charge.

Nerja Feria programme

Councillor José Miguel García has promised a good but austere feria this year with the emphasis on performances by local artists and groups. In addition, and for the first time, there will also be activities in Plaza Tutti Frutti. The programme of events is:

Feria photo exhibition

An exhibition of photographs of the candidates for Reina and Caballero de Nerja 2010 is now under way and continues until October 7th. The exhibition, at the Sala Mercado, is open from 18:00 to 21:00.

Nerja feria preparations

The Municipal Festivals Committe will be holding a number of meetings in the next couple of weeks relating to the allocation of spaces for the upcoming feria.

Feria in Torre de Benagalbón

The feria in Torre de Benagalbón starts today and continues until Sunday, with activities taking place near the station and on the coast. All sorts of activities are planned and there will be a performance by comedian Manolo Doña.

Torre del Mar feria budget cuts

The Feria de Santiago y Santa Ana takes place in Torre del Mar from July 22nd to July 26th and, as a result of yet more budget cuts, there will be no famous artists or musical groups appearing at this year’s event.

Preparing for feria

The registration period is now open for anyone wishing to be a candidate for the Reina de las Fiestas and Caballero de Nerja 2010.

Las Chapas feria

The Feria y Fiestas Virgen del Carmen in Las Chapas, Marbella, is under way and continues until Sunday when, at 20:30, a giant screen will show the World Cup final between Spain and Holland. The events this year are taking place in the area between avenida de España and Valeriano Rodríguez.

Festivities in Campillos

This weekend sees celebrations in Campillos in honour of the patron saint of the town, San Benito Abad.